Scribblenauts Answers

How to Dig

Digging is a common task throughout the game of Scribblenauts. Sometimes you are asked to dig through lays of material such as dirt, soil, snow or sand. Below we will show you the best ways on how to dig other than equipping shovel.

Digging with Tools
Equipping Maxwell with these items will allow him to dig. To dig, simply tap or click on the material after equipping Maxwell with these tools.

Hoe (Tool)
Pneumatic Drill

How to Dig with Vehicles
You can also dig in Scribblenauts when you ride in certain vehicles. However, these vehicles are typically slow and you will finish the stage much faster using manual tools.

Steam Shovel
Bucket Wheel Excavator

Digging by Explosion
Another way on how to dig is that you can also “dig” through dirt materials by clearing them out through explosions. However, because when you use this method to dig since you may end up killing yourself.

Either equip weapon items like these and shoot into the ground.
Grenade Launcher
Rocket Launcher

Or place explosives like these and trigger them using “lava”.