Maxwell is trapped in underground cage with animals. He needs to get to the starlite at the bottom of the cage by flipping color switches. He needs to be careful and not allow any animals to be hurt which means do not place hyena and tiger together or place either of them with ostrich or peacock. He will be able to get to the starlite by the following steps.
Short Version 1. First equip “Supersonic Wings and Stun Gun on Maxwell. 2. Flip the purple switch 3. Lure Tiger to middle cell with a piece of meat. 4. Flip Orange Switch 5. Start shooting out stun guns towards the animals. 6. Work your way down and stun animals that you see. 7. Beat the level with the starite.
Long Version 1. Flip Purple switch 2. Lure the tiger to the Middle Cell with a piece of meat 3. Flip Purple switch to trap tiger in the Middle Cell 4. Flip the Red switch 3. Lure tiger to the Middle-Left Cell with a piece of meat 4. Flip Red switch to trap tiger in the Middle-Left Cell 5. Flip Green switch to drop hyena to the Middle-Right Cell 6. Flip Orange switch 7. Lure peacock and ostrich to the Middle-Bottom Cell; Flip the Orange switch immediate and both animals will fall to the bottom hole. 8. Flip Purple Switch to drop Tiger to the Bottom-Left Cell 9. Lure Hyena to the Middle Cell with a piece of meat 10. Flip the Purple switch to trap the Hyena 11. Flip the Red switch 12. Lure Hyena to the Middle-Left Cell with a piece of meat 13. Flip the Red switch to trap the Hyena 14. Flip the Orange switch and walk down to the Middle-Right Cell 15. Place a meat in the Bottom-left Cell to keep the tiger there 16. Flip the orange switch then flip the red switch on the wall 17. Walk to the hole at the bottom. Maxwell has reached the Starlite!
Scribblenauts Remix 14-3 Cheats Hints gallery : 14-3-1-a: Don’t allow any animals to be hurt! 14-3-1-b: Lure the animals with food. 14-3-1-c: You will need to flip some of the switches several times.
After I lure the cats into their proper places, I can’t see r get down to the birds to put them in their proper cells. Does anyone know what I should do?
Sleeping potion applied to steak x2 then fed to hyena and tiger.
There is a much easier way.
Step 1: “Sleeping meat” so when the hyena and tiger eat said meat, they will sleep and won’t wake up even if they fall.
Step 2: Be good at puzzles.
Step 3: Get the Starlite.