Scribblenauts Answers

10-2: Saving the Oasis | Scribblenauts Remix

Maxwell is in a dessert. He needs to return life to the oasis with the following requirements:

Water Source:
Round 1: Rain (Storm)
Round 2: Pond
Round 3: River

Grazing Material:
Round 1: Grass
Round 2: Plant
Round 3: Buch

Grazing Animals that feed on the plants:
Round 1: Cow
Round 2: Sheep
Round 3: Deer

Scribblenauts Remix 10-2 Cheats Hints gallery:
10-2-1-a: Return life to the oasis! First replace the water source.
10-2-1-b: Create a large body of water.
10-2-1-c: A natural swimming hole will work.

10-2-2-a: The oasis needs grazing material.
10-2-2-b: Create new plant life.
10-2-2-c: Make a tree.

10-2-3-a: Add a creature to eat the plants.
10-2-3-b: Create a herbivore for the oasis.
10-2-3-c: Make a deer.