Scribblenauts Answers

10-4: Grocery Store Restocking | Scribblenauts Remix

Maxwell is helping store manager to open a grocery store. This requires creating a variety of food aisles.

Round 1:
Bakery: Bread
Dairy: Yogurt
Junk food: Chocolate
Meat: Pork
Produce: Potato
Seafood: Crab

Round 2:
Bakery: Muffin
Dairy: Cheese
Junk food: Chips
Meat: Steak
Produce: Corn
Seafood: Lobster

Round 3:
Bakery: Cake
Dairy: Milk
Junk food: Candy
Meat: Chicken
Produce: Spinach
Seafood: Fish

Scribblenauts Remix 10-4 Cheats Hints gallery:
10-4-1-a: Help her open a grocery store. Create a variety of food aisles.
10-4-1-b: Grocery stores have produce, dairy and meat aisles.
10-4-1-c: Grocery stores also have bakery, junk food and beverage aisles.