Scribblenauts Answers

10-8: Costume Contest | Scribblenauts Remix

This is an adjective level. Maxwell needs to impress the judges by wearing or holding objects they like.
The judges are king, butler, leprechaun, cheetah. It should be noted that this stage only offers the starite and no golden crown.

The following combination will work.
Combination 1: Golden Crown, spotted tray

Shortcut: Royal Rainbow Spotted Moustache

Activate the lever to present yourself to the judge.

Scribblenauts Remix 10-8 Cheats Hints gallery:
10-8-1-a: Impress the judges by wearing or holding objects they like! Activate the lever when Maxwell is ready!
10-8-1-b: The king and leprechaun both like gold.
10-8-1-c: The leopard likes spotted objects.