Scribblenauts Answers

12-1: City Builder Maxwell | Scribblenauts Remix

Create buildings to make a city.
Round 1:
Food and Drink: Bakery
Commercial: Salon
Government: Police station
Entertainment: Theme park
Education: School

Round 2:
Food and Drink: Supermarket
Entertainment: Aquarium
Urban Building: DMV
Government: Fire Station
Commercial: Mall

Round 3:
Food and Drink: Coffee Shop
Government: Court House
Entertainment: Theater
Commercial: Skyscraper
Education: College

Scribblenauts Remix 12-1 Cheats Hints gallery:
12-1-1-a: Create buildings to make a city!
12-1-1-b: The city could use commercial, educational, and medical buildings.
12-1-1-c: It could also use government and residential buildings.