Scribblenauts Answers

12-6: Scary Monster’s Presents | Scribblenauts Remix

Here we have a headless horseman, a bogeyman, a zombie, and a ghost. Give the monster what they crave.

Round 1:
Headless Horseman: Head
Bogeyman: Baby
Zombie: Body
Ghost: Body

Round 2:
Headless horseman: Face
Bogeyman: Child
Zombie: Torso
Ghost: Torso

Round 3:
Headless horseman: Horse
Bogeyman: Boy
Zombie: Hand
Ghost: House

Scribblenauts Remix 12-6 Cheats Hints gallery:
12-6-1-a: Give the monsters what they crave!
12-6-1-b: The headless horseman and the zombie both want body parts.
12-6-1-c: The bogeyman wants to scare and the ghost wants to haunt.