Scribblenauts Answers

13-3: Joining the Army | Scribblenauts Remix

This is a long stage involving multiple steps to pass the puzzles. Use our selections of words to help you obtain the final golden crown.

Round 1:
Get Maxwell dressed for boot camp: Fatigues and Helmet
Tear gas training! Protect Maxwell: Gas Mask
Firing range! Destroy the target: Gun
Attack the second target with close fighting weapons: Knife (weapon)
Destroy the final target with thrown or launched weapons but don’t hurt the training dummy: Dart
Drive the tank to the front line! Attack the barrier with your tank.

Round 2:
Get Maxwell dressed for boot camp: Uniform and boot
Tear gas training! Protect Maxwell: Respirator
Firing range! Destroy the target: Handgun
Attack the second target with close fighting weapons: Dagger
Destroy the final target with thrown or launched weapons but don’t hurt the training dummy: Rocket Launcher
Drive the tank to the front line! Attack the barrier with your tank.

Round 3:
Get Maxwell dressed for boot camp: Camo and boots (different from boot)
Tear gas training! Protect Maxwell: Scuba
Firing range! Destroy the target: Rifle
Attack the second target with close fighting weapons: Sword
Destroy the final target with thrown or launched weapons but don’t hurt the training dummy: Arrow
Drive the tank to the front line! Attack the barrier with your tank.

Scribblenauts Remix 13-3 Cheats Hints gallery:
13-3-1-a: Get Maxwell dressed for boot camp!
13-3-1-b: He needs clothes and head protection.
13-3-1-c: He needs a military uniform.

13-3-2-a: Tear gas training! Protect Maxwell!

13-3-3-a: Firing range! Destroy the target!
13-3-3-b: Firearms are effective against moving targets.
13-3-3-c: Shoot the target with a gun.

13-3-4-a: Attack the second target with close fighting weapons!
13-3-4-b: Only melee weapons work against this target.
13-3-4-c: Destroy the target with a sword.

13-3-5-a: Destroy the final target with thrown or launched weapons, but don’t hurt the training dummy!
13-3-5-b: Explosive weapons are especially dangerous around the training dummy.
13-3-5-c: Destroy the target with a shuriken.

13-3-6-a: Drive the tank to the front line!
13-3-6-b: Clear the minefield first.
13-3-6-c: Destroy the land mines with explosives.