Scribblenauts Answers

13-4: Zombie Army | Scribblenauts Remix

Maxwell is helping the zombies infect the enemy soldiers to swell the ranks of his shambling undead horde. Your goal is to weaken the soldiers and to tip the balance of battle towards zombies.

Round 1: Slow down the soldiers with virus
Round 2: Slow down the soldiers with poison
Round 3: Create more zombies

Scribblenauts Remix 13-4 Cheats Hints gallery:
13-4-1-a: Maxwell needs braaaaaains! Help the zombies infect the enemy soldiers to swell the ranks of his shambling undead horde.
13-4-1-b: The enemy soldiers need to be zombified, not killed.
13-4-1-c: Replace the enemy soldiers’ weapons with harmless objects.