Scribblenauts Answers

13-5: Fireman-to-be Maxwell | Scribblenauts Remix

Maxwell is going through the fire training course.

All three rounds of the stage is included in this answer guide.

Break down the wall:
Ax, Hammer, Bazooka

Free the fire engine:
1. Equip Maxwell with “wings” and “handcuffs” fire engine to Maxwell
2. Equip Maxwell with “flying shoes” and “rope” fire engine to Maxwell
3. Equip Maxwell with “jet pack” and “rope” fire engine to Maxwell

Get the kitty out the tree:
Since you are flying already, just pick up the kitty and bring it to the ground.

Or alternatively you can place a “bird”, chicken, or pigeon for the cat to chase after.

Revive the swimmer:
Summon a Medic, Doctor, or Nurse.

Or you can drop a lightning on top of him.

Complete Maxwell’s training by put out the fire:
Storm, Rain (Storm), Dry Ice

Scribblenauts Remix 13-5 Cheats Hints gallery:
13-5-1-a: Get Maxwell through the fire training course!
13-5-1-b: It’s possible to break down this wall.
13-5-1-c: Knock down the wall with a firefighter’s tool.

13-5-2-a: Free the fire engine!
13-5-2-b: Pull the engine out of the ditch.
13-5-2-c: Tow the engine with a strong vehicle.

13-5-3-a: Get the kitty out of the tree!
13-5-3-b: The kitty looks hungry.
13-5-3-c: Cats love seafood and fowl.

13-5-4-a: Revive the swimmer!
13-5-4-b: He’s missing a pulse.
13-5-4-c: Shock him awake.

13-5-5-a: Complete Maxwell’s training! Put out the fire!
13-5-5-b: Fight fire with water.
13-5-5-c: Change the weather to make it rain.