Scribblenauts Answers

13-7: School Visits | Scribblenauts Remix

Maxwell is visiting a school. You will have to help a girl and a boy to solve the puzzle and obtain the gold crown. Use this cheat walkthrough to help you.

Help the girl prepare for school: Give the following key items to the girl
Pencil, Book, Eraser.

Capture escaped hamsters: Create two of the following containers and place each hamster in them
Box, Cage, Fish Tank

Boy is trouble: Give these things to the bully
Lunch box, Lunch Money, Backpack

Scribblenauts Remix 13-7 Cheats Hints gallery:
13-7-1-a: Help the girl prepare for school!
13-7-1-b: What supplies can be found in a student’s desk?
13-7-1-c: What tool is associated with math?

13-7-2-a: Eek! The hamsters escaped!
13-7-2-b: Find the hamsters a new home.
13-7-2-c: Contain the hamsters!

13-7-3-a: The boy is in trouble. Give the bully what he wants!
13-7-3-b: Appease the bully with a peace offering.
13-7-3-c: The bully is just hungry.