Scribblenauts Answers

13-9: Superhero Creation | Scribblenauts Remix

Use the create-a-tron to make a superhero. Superhero has three components: a costume, a human, and a source of super-power.

Round 1:
Costume: Cape
Human: Girl
Superpower: Spider

Round 2:
Costume: Tights
Human: Baby
Superpower: Bat

Round 3:
Costume: Belt
Human: Woman
Superpower: Thunder

Scribblenauts Remix 13-9 Cheats Hints gallery:
13-9-1-a: Use the Create-A-Tron to make a superhero!
13-9-1-b: Include a human and a costume.
13-9-1-c: Superheroes need a source of superpowers.