Scribblenauts Answers

14-1: Button and Switches | Scribblenauts Remix

In this level, there are one yellow button and three switches: Pink, orange, green. Each switch controls a gate and platform. The yellow button controls the fan. Follow the below sequence to bring starlite to Maxwell.

1. Turn Orange switch
2. Turn Green switch
3. Place an object (i.e. a rock) on the yellow button
4. Turn Pink switch
5. Remove an object (i.e. a rock) from yellow button
6. Turn Green switch
7. Turn Pink switch
8. Place an object (i.e. a rock) on the yellow button
9. Turn Orange switch
10. Turn Green switch
11. Maxwell has retrieve the starlite!

Scribblenauts Remix 14-1 Cheats Hints gallery:
14-1-1-a: Use the button and switches to bring the starite to Maxwell.
14-1-1-b: Keep the button activated by placing an object in it.
14-1-1-c: Use the pink switch twice, the orange switch twice, and the green switch three times.