Scribblenauts Answers

14-2: Save the Starite | Scribblenauts Remix

In this level, Maxwell needs to save the starlite which is hanging from a rope. The rope will be cut as soon as the tripped wire breaks, and the starlite will fall on to a conveyor belt heading to Large spiked crusher.

To pass the stage, first place an invincible object under the starlite to prevent it from getting destroyed. Then equips Maxwell with a flying device. Get pass the tripped wire and retrieve the starlite.

Round 1:
Immovable Invincible Wall
Flying Shoe

Round 2:
Immovable Invincible Table

Round 3:
Immovable Invincible Plateform

Scribblenauts Remix 14-2 Cheats Hints gallery:
14-2-1-a: Save the starite!
14-2-1-b: Anchor the starite to the ground.
14-2-1-c: Secure the starite before activating the tripwire.