Scribblenauts Answers

14-5: Weakest Link | Scribblenauts Remix

Maxwell will need to play with button and switches in order to retrieve the starlite. The trick for this level is that a segment of the wall can be broken. Follow the steps below to pass the level. We have provided three sets of answers to help you get the stage crown.

1. Equip Maxwell with Wings, Flying Shoe, or Talaria.
2. Place a Rock, Stone, Candy on the red button
3. Flip the Orange switch
4. Flip the Yellow switch
5. Press and hold the Blue button. The starlite has fallen to the orange platform.
6. Flip the Orange switch
7. Remove the rock from the Red Button. Then put the rock back on the Red Button
8. Flip the Orange switch
9. Get a Shovel, Spade, Pick for Maxwell and remove the reddish color wall
10. Retrieve the starlite!

Scribblenauts Remix 14-5 Cheats Hints gallery:
14-5-1-a: Get the Starite!
14-5-1-b: Maxwell will need to fly to reach the Starite.
14-5-1-c: Create a toy lighter than air to press the blue button.