Scribblenauts Answers

14-7: Ninja Shark Slayer | Scribblenauts Remix

In this stage, Maxwell needs to overcome several obstacles in order to get the starlite. Good thing is nearly every obstacle in this level is magnetic.

To pass the stage, first place a magnetic object right above the tripwire to preventing spiked steel balls from tripping the tripwire once the red large air vent got turn on and to attract naval mines. Second equip Maxwell with a flying device. Third, give Maxwell a weapon to defeat the Ninja Shark and dress him up to dive. Lastly, give Maxwell an excavation device to access the starlite.

Round 1:
Magnetic Object: Invincible Immovable Magnetic Tree
Flying Device: Talaria
Weapon: Gun
Diving outfit: Scuba Suit
Excavation: Shovel

Round 2:
Magnetic Object: Invincible Immovable Magnetic Car
Flying Device: Flying Shoe
Weapon: Machine Gun
Diving outfit: Diving Suit
Excavation: Spade

Round 1:
Magnetic Object: Invincible Immovable Magnetic Sofa
Flying Device: Wings
Weapon: Sword
Diving outfit: Scuba Mask
Magnetic object: Magnetic Immovable Wall
Excavation: Pick

Scribblenauts Remix 14-7 Cheats Hints gallery:
14-7-1-a: Beware the Ninja Shark!
14-7-1-b: First, move the naval mines.
14-7-1-c: Nearly every obstacle in this level is magnetic.