Scribblenauts Answers

15-1: Going Up | Scribblenauts Remix

Your goal is to reach the starlite at the top of the cave; however, you are faced with large spiked steel balls going up. To pass the level, first detach the top two and the bottom-right spiked balls. The top spiked balls will raise to the top. Attached them to the large fire vent. Attached the bottom-right spiked ball to the top-right large air vent. Equip Maxwell with a flying device. You have created a safe path to the starlite!

Round 1:
Detach Spiked Balls: Fire
Attached to large fire vent: Rope
Flying Device: Wings

Round 2:
Detach Spiked Balls: Flame
Attached to large fire vent: Cable
Flying Device: Flying Shoe

Round 3:
Detach Spiked Balls: Torch
Attached to large fire vent: Line
Flying Device: Talaria

Scribblenauts Remix 15-1 Cheats Hints gallery:
15-1-1-a: Going up?
15-1-1-b: Attach the spiked balls to the terrain.
15-1-1-c: Create a path to the starite by severing ropes.