Scribblenauts Answers

15-9: Four Little Monkeys Jumping on a Bed | Scribblenauts Remix

In this level, the hole is too small for you to descent to the bottom level. You will need to find a way to bring the starlite to you. First, flip the red switch. This will open the gate between the monkeys and the starlites.

Attach a rope to the starlite to catch the air current. When the starlite reach the top of bottom level, detach the rope. Get a invincible immovable large air vent and navigate the large air vent until you blow the starlite to the top.

Retrieve the starlite.

Scribblenauts Remix 15-9 Cheats Hints gallery:
15-9-1-a: Four little monkeys jumping on a bed. Don’t crack their heads!
15-9-1-b: Distract the monkeys with food.
15-9-1-c: Attach something long to the starite to catch the air current.