Scribblenauts Answers

17-6: Best Get Digging! | Scribblenauts Remix

In this stage, your goal is to dig through the dirt and detonate the bombs. Be careful not to let the bombs kill you or destroy the starite. If you are stuck in this level, we will teach you how to beat it.

Set 1:
Equip flying shovel onto Maxwell. Dig a hole to open up a path to the first round of bombs. Fly out of the hole and drop some Lava to detonate the bombs. Continue digging your way down to under both of the TNT barrels next to the Starite.

Place two “Tiny Immovable Plank” Under the two bomb barrels, then finally break open the layer of dirt to get the Starite.

Place tiny immovable plank next to the barrels before you detonate the bombs.

Set 2: Equip flying Spade onto Maxwell. Dig a hole to open a path. Fly out of the hole and drop a “Vampire” down to detonate the bomb. Continue digging your way down to under both of the TNT barrels next to the Starite.

Place tiny immovable block next to the barrels before you detonate the bombs.

Set 3: Similar to the strategy before. Equip flying Hoe (Tool) and start digging. Flyout of the hole and use a ranged weapon like a gun to detonate the bombs. Continue to dig down under the bomb barrels.

Place immovable stick next to the barrels and under the barrels before you detonate the bombs.

Scribblenauts Remix 17-6 Cheats Hints gallery:
17-6-1-a: Best get diggin’!
17-6-1-b: Be careful of the explosive barrels.
17-6-1-c: Keep the barrels surrounding the starite from falling by using a tiny immovable plank and dig underneath.