Scribblenauts Answers

17-8: A Farmer’s Helping Hand | Scribblenauts Remix

Help around the farm by giving the farmer the tools that he needs to run his farm.

Set 1:
Cutting Tool: Shears
Liquid Container: Bucket
Pig Washing: Sponge
Egg Holding: After creating “Crate”, put the egg inside.
Friend: cryptozoologist

Set 2:
Cutting Tool: Scissors
Liquid Container: Bottle
Pig Washing: Soap
Egg Holding: After creating “Box”, put the egg inside.
Friend: Man

Set 3:
Cutting Tool: Knife
Liquid Container: Cup
Pig Washing: Water
Egg Holding: After creating “Chest”, put the egg inside.
Friend: Woman

Scribblenauts Remix 17-8 Cheats Hints gallery:
17-8-1-a: Help the farmer take care of his animals! His sheep needs a trim.
17-8-1-b: What’s sharp enough to trim a sheep?
17-8-1-c: How about some shears?

17-8-2-a: His cow needs to be milked, but he needs something to put the milk in.
17-8-2-b: What can hold liquids?
17-8-2-c: How about a bucket?

17-8-3-a: His pig needs to be washed.
17-8-3-b: What can you clean with?
17-8-3-c: How about a sponge?

17-8-4-a: He needs a giant container for his ostrich’s egg.
17-8-4-b: What could hold an ostrich egg?
17-8-4-c: How about a crate?

17-8-5-a: Phew what a job! But what will he do when you’re gone maxwell? He’s going to need a friend for the future.
17-8-5-b: Any friend will do!
17-8-5-c: How about a cryptozoologist?