Scribblenauts Answers

3-3: Space Rescue | Scribblenauts Remix

This stage has two parts for you to complete. The first is to put out the fire and then wake up the astronauts. You will have to do it pretty fast or else the starite will be sucked out into space.

Put out the fire with the following:
Set 1: Rain (Storm)
Set 2: Water (Puddle)
Set 3: Ice

Wake up the astronaut with the following:
Set 1: Alarm
Set 2: Horn (Trumpet)
Set 3: Alarm Clock

Scribblenauts Remix 3-3 Cheats Hints gallery:
3-3-1-a: Emergency! Wake the astronaut and extinguish the fire!
3-3-1-b: Music will wake the astronaut.
3-3-1-c: Use something wet to extinguish the fire.