Scribblenauts Answers

4-1: Scary Movie Director | Scribblenauts Remix

You will have to add adjective to the common terms for the scary movie. The easiest way is to use the same “scary” movie adjectives and slap them on the different nouns.

Set 1: Ghost Zombie, Vampiric Bat, Lycanthropic Man
Set 2: Scary Woman, Vampiric Vampire, Ghost Horse
Set 3: Scary Kid, Vampiric Dog, Ghost Fish (Animal)

Scribblenauts Remix 4-1 Cheats Hints gallery:
4-1-1-a: Use adjectives to make regular objects into the cast and props of a horror movie!
4-1-1-b: Create a vampiric animal.
4-1-1-c: Create a ghostly person.