5-1: The Colored World | Scribblenauts Remix
Create a colored paint brush to color objects! Depending on the color clue at the beginning, you will have to make different paints.
Use the keywords of specific color plus the following. You will have to let Maxwell equip those painting tools to apply color.
Set 1: “Color” Paint
Set 2: “Color” Paintbrush
Set 3: “Color” Marker
Yellow: Duck, Sun, Bus, Lemon to the right of stage.
Brown: Elephant, Bear,
Orange: Ball, Orange at the cart to the right of stage, Sun
Green: Broccoli, Water Melon, Relish
Red: Apple in the fruit basket, the ketchup at the hotdog stand, and the smaller bird in the sky.
Gray: Elephant, Clouds, Parking Meter
Create the following to fly to touch items higher up. or you can check out our how to fly guide.
Set 1: Flying Horse
Set 2: Wings
Set 3: Pegasus
Scribblenauts Remix 5-1 Cheats Hints gallery:
5-1-1-a: Find three items that could be green and make them green again!
5-1-1-b: Only the requested color items count toward the goal.
5-1-1-c: Some items may have multiple color options.
it is not letting me paint the objects with any of the items you suggested. I tried yellow paint, yellow paintbrush, and yellow marker and its stil not working
Katie you need to get a yellow paintbrush and then give it to Maxwell and click on the animals that need to be yellow it will say pick up, interact and paint click paint
Gray: gray crayon, gray elephant, clouds. Bat wings, bird wings and fairy wings work, too.
Green: Relish
What about white?
White – the two clouds and the bear.
Orange: Ball, Orange at the cart to the right of stage, Sun
i love that.
what there is no sun
There’s only two objects to paint Brown. Yet it asks for three?