Scribblenauts Answers

5-3: Bogeyman Buster | Scribblenauts Remix

Create the following items to destroy the Bogeyman:

Set 1: Vampire
Set 2: Red Magic
Set 3: Fireball

Or you could equip wings on Max and equip with a weapon to kill Bogeyman. You just have to make sure to shoot it at a distance or else the Bogeyman can teleport. Consider using rope to tie it down to prevent it from teleporting can help too.

Scribblenauts Remix 5-3 Cheats Hints gallery:
5-3-1-a: Little Timmy can’t get to sleep! Get rid of the bogeyman.
5-3-1-b: If Maxwell ties the Bogeyman down, the Bogeyman can’t get away.
5-3-1-c: Attack the Bogeyman with an angry creature when it appears.