Scribblenauts Answers

5-8: Settler’s Town | Scribblenauts Remix

You will have to help the Settlers create a nice frontier town in this level.

Use the following key terms to destroy the trees:

Set 1: Axe
Set 2: Red Magic
Set 3: Blow Torch

For the buildings, you have the following choices:

Set 1: House, Police Station, Barn
Set 2: Bakery, Plantation, Super Market
Set 3: Farm, Fire House, Home, Green House

Scribblenauts Remix 5-8 Cheats Hints gallery:
5-8-1-a: The settlers have discovered a place to build a town! First, clear the trees to make room.
5-8-1-b: Maxwell must chop down all three trees.
5-8-1-c: A Chainsaw will easily destroy the trees.

5-8-2-a: Now the settlers need buildings found in a frontier town.
5-8-2-b: The settlers need buildings to take care of their crops and livestock.
5-8-2-c: Place buildings that bring law and order to the town.