Scribblenauts Answers

6-7: Invasion Defense | Scribblenauts Remix

Give anyone the following weapons. When you give the villagers different weapons, they will transform into corresponding classes. Your goal is to create different types of warriors to obtain the golden crown.

Knight: Sword, Helmet, Samurai Sword
Soldier: Rocket Launcher
Warrior: Ax, Weapon, Trident
Martian: Laser Gun
Athlete: Bat (Sports)
Sensei: Ninja Star
Archer: Bow (Weapon), Cross Bow
Policeman: Gun
Wizard: Wand

Round 1: Ax, Rocket Launcher, Laser Gun, Bat (Sports)
Round 2: Sword, Ninja Star, Weapon, Bow (Weapon)
Round 3: Helmet, Gun, Crossbow, Trident

Scribblenauts Remix 6-7 Cheats Hints gallery:
6-7-1-a: Invaders are coming! Give the villagers weapons to make an army.
6-7-1-b: Equip them with different primitive and modern weapons.
6-7-1-c: Give them both melee and projectile weapons.