Scribblenauts Answers

7-1: Scared Campers | Scribblenauts Remix

Your goal this stage for the golden crown is to first place a scary atmosphere, then disguise with a weapon to scare your friends.

Round 1:
Place wind in the air.
Equip axe and mask.

Round 2:
Place “Air” in air.
Equip disguise and sword.

Round 3:
Place hurricane in air.
Equip “scary suit” and gun.

Scribblenauts Remix 7-1 Cheats Hints gallery:
7-1-1-a: Scare your friends, don’t get caught! First, make the weather spooky.
7-1-1-b: Use weather that forces people indoors.
7-1-1-c: Make it rain.

7-1-2-a: Now give Maxwell a spooky disguise and a scary weapon.
7-1-2-b: Hide Maxwell’s face.
7-1-2-c: Any weapon will work.

7-1-3-a: Go in for the scare!!
7-1-3-b: Make Maxwell run to the campers with his weapon and disguise.
7-1-3-c: Maxwell plus campers equals starite.