Scribblenauts Answers

8-3: Line Cutting with Bribes | Scribblenauts Remix

People are waiting outside of the game shop. Your goal is to bribe the people in front of the line so that you could get to the front. Below are all the bribes that you can give to each of the individuals.

Round 1:
Delivery Man: Mail (Paper)
Bodybuilder: Dumbbell
Artist: Brush (Paint)
Special Force: Gun
Rockstar: Mic

Round 2:
Delivery Man: Package
Bodybuilder: Jump Rope
Artist: Paint
Special Force: Rifle
Rockstar: Guitar

Round 3:
Delivery Man: Parcel
Bodybuilder: Weight
Artist: Palette
Special Force: Machine Gun
Rockstar: Bass (Music)

Scribblenauts Remix 8-3 Cheats Hints gallery:
8-3-1-a: Supplies are limited! Get to the front of the line!
8-3-1-b: Help Maxwell bribe his way to the front of the line.
8-3-1-c: Lure the people in line away with gifts.