Scribblenauts Answers

8-5: Helping the Children | Scribblenauts Remix

In this stage, Maxwell has to help three kids. The first kid Ronnie feels blue and wants to play with a new toy. Bobby is Sick and you have to help curing him. Lastly, Mike is terrified and wants some courage.

Round 1:
Ronnie – Toy
Bobby – Nurse
Mike – Gun

Round 2:
Ronnie – Teddy Bear
Bobby – Doctor
Mike – Rifle

Round 3:
Ronnie – Doll
Bobby – Medic
Mike – Grenade

Scribblenauts Remix 8-5 Cheats Hints gallery:
8-5-1-a: Ronnie is feeling blue. Cheer him up!
8-5-1-b: Ronnie would like something to play with.
8-5-1-c: Ronnie wants a toy.

8-5-2-a: Bobby is sick! Cure him!
8-5-2-b: A medical profession could him him.
8-5-2-c: He could see the doctor.

8-5-3-a: Mike is terrified! He needs some courage.
8-5-3-b: Give mike something protective.
8-5-3-c: Mike will feel better in a suit of armor.