Scribblenauts Answers

8-7: Maxwell the Archaelogist | Scribblenauts Remix

Maxwell needs to give the archaeologist what he needs to locate the lost ziggurat. Use the following answers:

Round 1: Map
Round 2: GPS
Round 3: Atlas

Ziggurat will appear. Then, give Maxwell these tools to dig and uncover below the ziggurat:

Round 1: Shovel
Round 2: Spade
Round 3: Pick

Maxwell digs up some bones. Tables will appear. Arrange the bones in the correct order on the tables. All you have to do is to take the bones and drop them.

Invincible skull, Shoulder bone, Cheekbone, Foot bone

Create the following items for the archaeologist what he needs to assemble a skeleton:

Round 1: Needle
Round 2: Thread
Round 3: Book

Scribblenauts Remix 8-7 Cheats Hints gallery:
8-7-1-a: Give the Archaeologist what he needs to locate the lost Ziggurat.
8-7-1-b: What tools does an explorer use?
8-7-1-c: What do you need when you’re lost?

8-7-2-a: See what you can uncover below the Ziggurat!
8-7-2-b: Use a tool to dig.
8-7-2-c: Dig beneath the ziggurat.

8-7-3-a: Arrange the bones in the correct order on the tables.
8-7-3-b: Place the head first and the foot last
8-7-3-c: Place the shoulder next to the foot.

8-7-4-a: Give the archaeologist what he needs to assemble a skeleton!
8-7-4-b: What objects attach things together?
8-7-4-c: Give the archaeologist something sticky.