Scribblenauts Answers

8-8: The Kitchen Aid | Scribblenauts Remix

Maxwell is being a chef’s helper. He needs to provide a hot meal, something to wash it down, and a sweet treat!

Interact with oven

Imagine any kind of drinks on the table.

Round 1: Water
Round 2: Soda
Round 3: Juice

Place a sweet dessert on the table for the last step.

Round 1: Cookie
Round 2: Cake
Round 3: Pie (Dessert)

Scribblenauts Remix 8-8 Cheats Hints gallery:
8-8-1-a: Provide a hot meal, something to wash it down, and a sweet treat!
8-8-1-b: Desserts are sweet and drinks are refreshing.
8-8-1-c: Turn on the oven to create a hot meal.