Scribblenauts Answers

9-6: Finding the Robot | Scribblenauts Remix

Help Maxwell find the robot hidden among construction workers. You can use the following items to reveal the robot. Note: The second construction worker is the robot.

Give Maxwell a weapon and attack the middle construction worker: gun, sword, knife
Don’t hurt other workers. They are your ally.
Robot will then be revealed.

Round 1: Drop Magnet on their head.
Round 2: Drop Magnetic Pole on the floor.
Round 3: Drop Magnetic Ball on the robot.

You can also use a stun gun to shoot at all the workers since it deals no physical damage.

Scribblenauts Remix 9-6 Cheats Hints gallery:
9-6-1-a: One of these construction workers is a robot! Help Maxwell find it.
9-6-1-b: Maxwell can reveal the robot with magnetism.
9-6-1-c: Shock the contruction workers to reveal the impostor.