The Under Line Level Summary
1 Starites
5 Shards
Unlock: Gorge
Doors to Hyphen Heights, Capital City
The Under Line Starite: Street Rock!
Help the street performer develop his careerer as a rockstar!
He wants to be a rockstar! First he needs a better instrument to help him rock!
Answer: Drumset, electric guitar, trumpet
This instrument is awesome, but my band would sound a lot better with additional members.
Answer: Guitarist, Pianist, Violinist or Ludwig. Any kind of musician works.
Now this is what I call a band! What we need now is equipment to put on a real show.
Answer: Microphone, Speakers, amp
The Under Line Starite Shards
I’m so hungry and this machine is empty!
Answer: Apple, Candy, pretty much anything edible.
Shard: Snack Time
This Starite Shard unlocks Gorge
I could earn some money if I learned some skills!
1. Place a Teacher
2. Put an adjective ‘adroit’ or “Smart” on the beggar.
Shard: Teach a Beggar to Fish!
I’d better clean up these puddles!
Answer: Mop, vacuum.
Shard: Caution: Wet Floors
I’m tired of standing!
Answer: Chair, sofa.
Shard: For My Tired Feet!
I want to buy something from the stand but I’m broke!
Answer: Money, gold.
Shard: A Present for the Pretty Lady!