Scribblenauts Answers

Majuscule Grotto | Scribblenauts Unlimited

Majuscule Grotto Level Summary
1 Starites
7 Shards
Unlock Razer
Doors to Metaforest, Sir Guillemet’s Castle, Underscore Mine, Ruins of Ellipsis

Majuscule Grotto Starite: Moving West

Help the pioneer on the Oregon trail!

This pilgrim is headed west, but what is their profession? Provide an object to make the pilgrim a farmer, a carpenter or a banker!
Farmer: Pitchfork, plants, hoe.
Carpenter: Saw, hammer.
Banker: Calculator, money

My ox died of typhoid! Create an animal to replace it!
Answer: Horse, buffalo, ox.

I am running low on food and I don’t know how to catch animals! Create someone who can teach me!
Answer: Spawn a sniper or hunter.

I’ve made it to the end of the trail! Now create a homestead for me to live in!
Answer: Cabin, house.

Majuscule Grotto Starite Shards

Help! Provide the lonely Medusa with a romantic partner so she will leave us alone!
Answer: Medusa, Cthulhu, undead horse.
Shard: Heartbreak Medusa!
This Starite Shard unlocks Razer

I’ve been fishing all day but there’s nothing to catch!
Answer: Fish (animal), shark.
Shard: Stocking the Lake!

I’m too hideous to love!
Answer: Give the opera singer the adjective “Beautiful”, “Lovely”, “Handsome”.
Shard: The Phantom of the Grotto!

I need supplies to take to grandma!
Answer: Place cookie, cake inside the picnic basket.
Shard: A Snack for Grandma!

I want to make a wish with that well!
Answer: Coin, penny.
Shard: Make a Wish!

My house is so plain–it needs a touch of color!
1. Use Paint to paint the house.
2. Add any color adjective on the home.
Shard: A Touch of Color!

Help! Help! Apply an adjective to my house to stop them from eating it!
Answer: Apply the adjective ‘rotten’, “wooden”, or “steel” on the house.
Shard: Homewreckers!