Scribblenauts Answers

Metaforest | Scribblenauts Unlimited

Metaforest Level Summary
1 Starites
10 Shards
Unlock Serenity, Patches, Jack
Doors to Hyphen Heights, Grave Manor, Majuscule Grotto.

Metaforest Starites: The Merit Badge

Help the Scout earn his Merit Badge!

First, Give him a tool to carve his log!
Answer: Scalpel, knife, chainsaw, saw, hatchet.

Fire safety is next! Give the scout something to put the dummy out!
Answer: Water, fire extinguisher, fire hose, fireman, firewoman.

Now that the fire is out, give the scout something to fix the dummy’s wounds.
Answer: Bandage, medicine, doctor, syringe

Time for target shooting! Start by giving the scout proper safety equipment.
Answer: Goggles, hard Hat, helm, shield

Now it’s time for target practice! Give the scout a weapon to shoot the target!
Answer: Gun, bow, paintball gun, sniper rifle

Metaforest Starite Shards

These bugs are endless! Help me keep them away!
Answer: Bug spray, net (butterfly), insecticide, pesticide, sniper rifle, bug repellent
Shard: Bug-Proof!

This isn’t a comfortable place to sleep! Create something better for the backpacker.
Answer: Bed, tent, sleeping bag
Shard: Sleeping in the Elements!

My nose isn’t good enough to sniff out truffles alone!
Answer: Pig, dog, piglike object, nose
Shard: Truffle Hunter!

Help stop Jack from cutting down this tree!
Answer: Sleeping pill, protest, protester, chain, ninja
Shard: Save the Owls!
(Reset required to solve the next shard)

I’m just trying to pay my bills! Help me cut down this tree!
Answer: Axe, chainsaw, hatchet
Shard: Just Doing My Job!
(Reset required to solve the previous shard)
However, if you used sleeping pill in the previous shard, you can use “awake” adjective to wake up Jack and continue the level.

My kite is stuck in the tree! Help me get it down!
1. Wings, jetpack, or any flying item given to him
2. Get the kite yourself.
Shard: Patches’ Kite!

Help us finish our treehouse!
1. Hammer, drill, builder, wood, carpenter, plank.
2. Spawn a dad.
Shard: The Fixer Upper!

You must help a man document an encounter with the Sasquatch.
Answer: Camera, notepad, cameraman
Shard: Photographic Evidence!

If I could raise a human cub…
Answer: Baby, child, kid, boy, girl
Shard: Raised By Wolves!

Pollinate the Fruit Tree!
Answer: Wasp, bee
Shard: Flowers Into Fruit!