Misc Bonus Object Shard Guide
We have alphabetized the entries to help you easily locate the entry for when you still have missing object shards. This page features the “Misc” category. When you complete the Misc category of bonus objects and obtain the shards. You will receive the achievement “The Kitchen Sink”.
Aced! | Am I To Be Or Not To Be A Writer? | As Important As The Line And Wings! | Breaking The Bank! | Clean Is A Relative Term! | Close Your Eyes! | Cure For The Common Gold! | Dance Party! | Daycare Day Job!Don’t Forget To Wash Your Hands | Exhibit A! | Hula Hula! | I’d Like To Thank The Academy! | It Doesn’t Flush! | It’s More Fun With The Pieces! | Light The Fuse And Get Away! | Make It Rain! | Nap Time! | Not So Boring Barn! | Order In The Court! | Sanctuary Seating! | Scaredy Crow! | Strike! | Table Tennis Menace! | Troy To Look Surprised! | War And Peace! |
Waste Not Want Not! | Weaving So Soon? | What A Shamrock! | What Did I Do! | Who Needs Matches? | Yo Dawg, I Heard You Like… |
‘hit’ ‘tennis ball’ with ‘racket’
Am I To Be Or Not To Be A Writer?
give ‘book’ to ‘shakespeare’
As Important As The Line And Wings!
place ‘wooden cube’
Breaking The Bank!
‘attack’ ‘piggy bank’ with ‘hammer’
Clean Is A Relative Term!
‘clean’ ‘toilet’ with ‘toilet brush’
Close Your Eyes!
’empty’ ‘ark of the covenant’
Cure For The Common Gold!
‘attack’ ‘fools gold’ with ‘magic wand’
Dance Party!
place ‘man’ on ‘dancefloor’
Daycare Day Job!
place ‘baby’ in ‘daycare’
Don’t Forget To Wash Your Hands
place and use ‘toilet’
Exhibit A!
give ‘evidence’ to ‘prosecutor’
Hula Hula!
give ‘hula hoop’ to ‘hula dancer’
I’d Like To Thank The Academy!
give ‘trophy’ to ‘actor’
It Doesn’t Flush!
‘use’ ‘outhouse’
It’s More Fun With The Pieces!
place ‘chess piece’ on ‘chess board’
Light The Fuse And Get Away!
‘interact’ with ‘bottle rocket’
Make It Rain!
give ‘rain stick’ to Maxwell, ‘play sound’ on it
Nap Time!
‘ride’ ‘hammock’
Not So Boring Barn!
place ‘blue barn’
Order In The Court!
place ‘judge’, ‘court’
Sanctuary Seating!
‘ride’ ‘pew’
Scaredy Crow!
place ‘scarecrow’, ‘crow’
‘throw’ ‘bowling ball’ at ‘bowling pin’
Table Tennis Menace!
‘throw’ ‘ping pong ball’ at ‘ping pong table’
Troy To Look Surprised!
’empty’ ‘trojan horse’
War And Peace!
give ‘white dove’ to ‘war’
Waste Not Want Not!
place ‘paper’ in ‘recycling bin’
Weaving So Soon?
give ‘yarn’ to ‘weaver’ (human)
What A Shamrock!
give ‘four leaf clover’ to ‘leprechaun’
What Did I Do!
add adjective ‘scribblephobic’ to Maxwell
Who Needs Matches?
‘burn’ ‘tinder’ with ‘flint’
Yo Dawg, I Heard You Like…
place ‘sandbox’
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