Scribblenauts Answers

Music Bonus Object Shard Guide

The category that this object shard guide features is the Music category. You will have to create and interact with various instruments to satisfy the starite shard requirements in this Scribblenauts Unlimited stage. Use this cheat sheet to help you solve all of the puzzles and complete the stage. Once you have obtained all of the object shards bonus in this stage, you will receive the achievement “Jamming Out”.

The Music category object shards has 25 starite shards for you to get.

A Shell Of An Instrument! | Accordion To Who? | Another Dime! | Back To Vinyl! | Bag Of Hot Air! | Bang A Gong! | Boisterous Revelry! | Desperado! | Down To Georgia! | Epic Drum Solo! | Harmonious! | Here Boy! | I Can Hold A Tune! | Is This Annoying You? | Keeping The Beat! | Off-key Works For Me! | Out Of Tune! | Plucked By An Angel! | Snake Charmer! | Sounds Funny! | Stereophonic Sounds! | Take A Seat! | The Sight Of Music! | Trumpet Care! | What Did Jerry Do?

Categories of all Object Starite Shards

A Shell Of An Instrument!
Create “Conch (Music)” and Play Music.

Accordion To Who?
Create “Musician” and give “Accordion” to him.

Another Dime!
Create “Jukebox” and Play Music.

Back To Vinyl!
Create “Record Player”. Create and give “Record” to Maxwell. Use the record on the player.

Bag Of Hot Air!
Create “Bagpipes” and Play Music.

Bang A Gong!
Create a “Man” and “Gong”. Create and give “Mallet” to the man so that he can play the gong.

Boisterous Revelry!
Create “Whoopee Cushion” and interact with it.

Create a “Guitar Case” and place “Violin” inside.

Down To Georgia!
Create “Devil”. Create “Violin” and give to the Devil.

Epic Drum Solo!
Create “Drums”. Ride the drums and Play Music.

Create “Harmonica” and Play Music.

Here Boy!
Create “Dog”. Create “Dog whistle” and give to Maxwell. Interact with Maxwell.

I Can Hold A Tune!
Create “Guitar”. Create and give “Tuning Fork” to Maxwell. Use “Play Sound” on the Guitar.

Is This Annoying You?
Create “Vuvuzela”. Play Music.

Keeping The Beat!
Create “Pianist”. Create and give him the “Metronome”.

Off-key Works For Me!
Create “Autotuned Man”.

Out Of Tune!
Create “Guitar”. Create and use the “Tuning Wrench” on it.

Plucked By An Angel!
Create an “Angel”. Create and give angel the “Harp”.

Snake Charmer!
Create “Snake”. Create and equip the “Flute” on Maxwell. Play Music on the snake a few times to succeed.

Sounds Funny!
Create “Clown”. Create and give “Slide Whistle” to the clown.

Stereophonic Sounds!
Create “Stereo”. Create and place “CD” in the stereo.

Take A Seat!
place ‘piano’, ride ‘piano bench’, ‘play music’ on piano

The Sight Of Music!
Create “Composer”. Create and give Maxwell “Sheet Music”. Give the sheet music to the composer.

Trumpet Care!
Create “Trumpet Stand”. Create “Trumpet” and place it on the stand.

What Did Jerry Do?
Create “Didgeridoo”. Play Music